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How to Choose the Right Tennis Clinic for Your Child

Choosing the right tennis clinic for your child is essential for their development and enjoyment of the game. At [Your Tennis Club], we offer a variety of programs tailored to different age groups and skill levels. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to determine the best fit for your young athlete.

Assessment Sessions

To ensure your child is placed in the appropriate clinic, we offer complimentary assessment sessions. Here’s how it works:

10U Program:

  • Clinics Offered: Red, Orange, Green, and Advanced Green.

  • Assessment Process: Schedule a session with one of our experienced coaches who will evaluate your child’s skill level through a short play session.

  • Advanced Green Clinic: This is a selective program. After the assessment, our coach will determine if your child qualifies for this clinic.

  • How to Book: Email to schedule an assessment.

High School Track:

  • Programs Offered: Advanced Junior Program and High School Training.

  • Assessment Process:

    • Advanced Junior Program: No approval needed. You can sign up online directly.

    • High School Training: Requires approval to ensure the right number of students. An assessment session will determine if your child is eligible.

  • How to Book: Email to schedule an assessment.

High Performance (HP) Program:

  • Overview: This program requires a separate assessment and approval process conducted by Steve Ondish, the owner and director of tennis.

  • Assessment Process: Steve will evaluate your child's skills and potential to ensure they meet the rigorous standards of the HP program. Approval from Steve is required to join this program.

  • How to Book: Email to schedule an assessment.

Signing Up

Once the assessment is complete, you will be guided on which clinic or program is the best fit for your child. You can then choose the date and time and pay for the clinic online through our website.


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